Friday, May 14, 2010

Quedan 5 semanas para la inauguración!

"El esqueleto del invernadero ya esta terminado. Al estar dentro uno no ve ni una casa ni un hogar, solo un esqueleto industrial, ligero y sencillo. Nos gusta. Con el tiempo se ira domesticando."

Es el resultado que deja una semana  de intenso trabajo en el terreno, cada vez es mas notable el esfuerzo del grupo de obra, menos los ordenadores encendidos y mas los destornilladores en acción.

Manos a la obra!

"The greenhouse structure is finished. Being inside one doesn't percieve yet the home, or can imagine this would turn into a house. The skeleton, light and simple will turn into our home sweet home over the next weeks."

This is the result of intense work on site during the week. As time goes by one notices more and more the effort of the team. Every day less computers are running while more screwdrivers are taken into action.

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